The start of WFH consisted of lots of “firsts”; zoom meetings, make-shift home offices all with the added challenge of blending work and home life. It was a major shift in the workforce that challenged some of the largest corporations to figure out how to keep a sense of normalcy and the same level of productivity. Now, after more than a year of working from home, the forced adjustments made in March of 2020 have become a pleasant benefit to many working professionals. As we approach a new normal heading back into the office, employers are implementing a more flexible work environment. “IBM is one of many other big companies that have committed to hybrid working, including Citigroup, Ford, Google, Microsoft, and Slack.”
Accommodating this new trend will be a key factor for the successful transition into “post-pandemic” work life. Microsoft reports that 73% of employees want flexible remote work options to stay and 66% of company leaders plan to redesign their spaces and policies for hybrid work. The landscape for workers has changed drastically as well, with more people looking for companies that have remote positions open for hire in order to better suit their home life. While the search for remote work increases, so does the demand for flexible office space. By the end of 2020 alone, the need for flex workspace increased by 21% according to a report from The Instant Group.
The transition from a home office to a real office will be another overwhelming adjustment for most people who have now become efficient in their WFH routines. With the options of short and long-term rentals or even day passes, flexible offices will continue to be an important component over the upcoming year. Stay ahead of the trend and make sure to check out our availability here at Workspace. We offer three locations just outside of Boston that cater to the flexibility you’re looking for.