From day one, Workspace has seen the value in sustainability and the need to do whatever we can to protect the planet. Therefore, we are constantly striving for ways to implement green practices to reduce our carbon footprint. By minimizing our environmental impact on the planet and providing opportunities for our members to do the same, we create a positive impact globally and within our community.
Here’s how we do it:
- We reduced our energy consumption by installing energy-efficient lighting.
- We reduced our resource consumption by proving recycling bins and encouraging our members to use them.
- We provide filtered water so members can leave bottled water at home or, better yet, not purchase it at all.
- We provide – and encourage our members to use – reusable dishes, drinkware, and utensils.
- Our phone booths have motion sensor lights so they turn off when unoccupied.
- Three of our four locations are located within walking distance of public transit – providing alternative transportation options to our members and an opportunity for them to reduce their carbon emissions.
- We utilize coworking space management software to digitize paperwork and communication. By providing electronic billing and paperless contracts, we’re able to reduce paper usage and increase efficiency, while creating a more streamlined and professional member experience.
On Earth Day and every day, Workspace will continue to strive to improve our sustainability practices in an effort to move our business, our community, and our planet toward a more viable future.